Come & join with our Leading Technology Firm
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Creative agency
for the digital age
We support medium-sized companies in the transformation of their communication into the digital age. And we build “ communication machines” that generate attention beyond advertising and continuously bring you new prospects.
We don't roar; we listen to you.
The transformation consists of a change of perspective: instead of shouting louder and louder and sending the messages with one hundred megaphones, we listen. And we advise our customers to do the same: their prospects, who should become customers. Those who find out what they want and are interested in have an easy game in the digital age. In the age of information overload, relevance makes the difference - and prospective customers.
Albatross Technologies Limited is an IT consulting firm specializing in providing business solutions like website design, web development, application design and software development. Mr Ahmed Nadir founded the company along with others in 2006. He served as a Director and CEO until 2013 March. Mr A M Jasim Uddin Ahmed is our Chairman, and Brigadier General (Retd.) A K M Farid Uddin Ahmed (Rtd) is our Managing Director.
Under the watchful eye of Board of directors, Albatross Technologies Limited through strategic thought, productive collaboration and creative execution, develops award-winning website, applications and comprehensive Internet marketing campaigns.
Albatross Technologies Limited started operating in 2006 from a small home office at Rampura. However, it very quickly established its reputation as a firm providing value-added services to businesses around Dhaka. Many of Albatross Technologies Limited's clients are IT companies that promptly understood the vital role Albatross Technologies Limited could play in adding value to their own business and value-based service ALBATROSS technologies could offer them.
In March 2008, Albatross Technologies Limited moved into a new office premise at Uttara. Our fast growth is the testament to our hard work, ability and desire to achieve the best possible result for our customers. In February 2008, Albatross Technologies Limited signed its first offshore development contract for "A Click Work Orange FZE", RAK, UAE. Albatross Technologies Limited are poised for extraordinary growth in 2008 and are confident of ongoing success in future.
Feb 2006 - Started as a
Small Company
Albatross Technologies Limited started operating in 2006 from a small home office at Rampura.
Feb 2006 - Started as a
Small Company
March 2008
Moved into a BIG office
Albatross Technologies Limited moved into a Big office premise from Mogbazar to Uttara.
March 2013 - Founder & CEO Ahmed Nadir
left the company
After 7 years of leading the company, Mr Ahmed Nadir left the company for a personal reason.
March 2013 - Founder & CEO Ahmed Nadir
left the company
January 2014
ATL Battery Launched
In 2014 ATL Battery launched to the Market and became a success.